domingo, 24 de septiembre de 2017

Writing process.

Writing is important for communication, and if you are learning a language, there are many tools and things that you can use or you can do in order to improve the writing process.

First and foremost, the most important thing about a language is to know its grammar, so when it comes to writing, it is advisable to apply the appropiate grammar rules and to know someone who is native of the country whose language you are learning because that person can help you to correct the grammar used and also, he or she can advise you.
Nowadays, with all the facilities we have on the Internet, it is very easy to access to any website that explains grammar or in which you can do exercises using that grammar. An example of this kind of website is
Another point and the most important one is to read. You can read from newspapers to short adapted novels in English, so you can increase your vocabulary (if you do not know the meaning of a word, search it on a dictionary and remember it because knowledge does not take place!).
Finally, we learn from our mistakes, so I reckon that it is preferable that a person who really know the language, such as a professor, corrects our writings.

Lorena Conesa Martínez.

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