sábado, 23 de septiembre de 2017

Writing skills

Writing has always been one of the major tools for humans to communicate ideas, information and thoughts. In fact, the way we write gives a vision of how we are beside the fact that it helps us to connect with people accurately and catch their attention in order to get an interaction, thus, it is important to improve our writing skills.

As far as I am concerned, the writing process is not an easy task, there are certain aspects we have to bear in mind. First of all, we must have a clear idea of what we want to transmit, after that, we can start writing taking into account the language we use, (formal or informal). Furthermore, it is important to choose what type of text we want to write; a letter, a descriptive text, persuasive text, a report, etc, thus, depending on the type of the text we will use certain structure and expressions.

Nowadays, thanks to the internet, we can find a lot of useful resources such as blogs and videos to write correctly. In my case, as far as grammar mistakes are important, I use an online program known as "Grammarly". This program corrects your essay and gives explanations and suggestions. You should try it. I also read normal people's blogs who give good tips and I also benefit from a youtube channel named "Online writing tips". Apart from these resources, we can also watch English series with English subtitles, we will enhance our writing and amplify our vocabulary.

As a conclusion, I want to point out the importance of practicing our writing, because it will not get better unless we practice and take advantage of the numerous resources .

Sara Bahadi

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