miércoles, 27 de septiembre de 2017

Meeting people and places and our ideal of life (week 2).

    First of all, I am going to introduce some of my friends. 

    Last year, I met Maleni (the girl who appears in the center) and Soraya (the girl on the right), two girls of my class. The first day of University, Soraya was the first girl I talked to. She asked me where I was from and since that day, we talk every day. I met Maleni later, but I get along very well with both of them. 
    Maleni is a down-to-earth sort of person, she has to work in order to pay for her studies and at the same time, she comes every day to class, something that is not easy. Also, she is a decisive and well-organized person. Conversely, Soraya is a sociable, outgoing and very daring person, she prefers to live life to the fullest and go to a different festival each summer. 

    They are my best friends. I know them since I started High School and although we are doing different degrees and we do not have enough time, we are still friends. 
    The two boys on the left are Salva and Fran. They are people with a similar personality due to the fact that they are courageous, competent and very athletes. And finally, the two girls on the right are Natalia and Almudena. Natalia is an outgoing and conscientious person, she always knows what to do, and Almudena is also an outgoing person, and very athlete, she plays football since she was seven. 

    Now, I am going to show you the places I would like to visit and why. 
    I would like to go to China, because I like the way all the buildings and houses are made, the people there seem very familiar and outgoing, the culture of this kind of countries attracts me and I also like the typical food there. 

    But that is not the only place I would like to visit, New York is on my wish list, too. This city is immense, I like all the buildings that are seen in the streets, and I would also like to visit the Central Park and the Statue of Liberty, among others. 

    Finally, if I won the lottery or I had enough money, I would donate a large part of this money to charities or people who really need it. I would also help my family, because I have got an uncle that has four children and I know he would need the money. Also, I would save money to pay my degree and I would like to buy a new car because I have to share it with my mother and I can hardly use it, besides it is a bit broken, but I know that I would not waste the money on unnecessary things as many people do. 

Lorena Conesa Martínez. 

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