domingo, 15 de abril de 2018

WEEK 10:Under the weather the weather

    • Find out on the Internet 2 pieces of news about weather issues, and highlight the vocabulary related to the weather. Upload this to your blog.


    In late February, a large portion of the Arctic Ocean near the North Pole experienced an alarming string of extremely warm winter days, with the surface temperature exceeding 25 degrees Fahrenheit above normal.

    These conditions capped nearly three months of unusually warm weather in a region that has seen temperatures rising over the past century as greenhouse gas concentrations (mostly carbon dioxide and methane) have increased in the atmosphere. At the same time, the extent of frozen seawater floating in the Arctic Ocean reached new lows in January and February in 40 years of satellite monitoring.

    In recent years, the air at the Arctic Ocean surface during winter has warmed by over 5 degrees Fahrenheit above normal. So was this recent spate of warm weather linked to longer-term climate change, or was it, well, just the weather?

    What we can say is this: Weather patterns that generate extreme warm Arctic days are now occurring in combination with a warming climate, which makes extremes more likely and more severe. What’s more, these extreme temperatures have had a profound influence on sea ice, which has become thinner and smaller in extent, enabling ships to venture more often and deeper into the Arctic.


    While much of the United States has been left wondering, "Where's winter?," Europeans have been shivering under a blanket of cold air that has sent temperatures plummeting and snows drifting.

    The climate pattern is called a "Russian Winter" because the intense cold and snow is triggered by a strong Siberian anticyclone hovering over northern Russia, according to a NASA statement.

    In the coldest parts of the year, when the intense cooling of the surface layers of air over northeastern Siberia occurs, the time is right for the formation of a Siberian anticyclone. Also called a Siberian high, it is a semi-permanent system of high atmospheric pressure centered in northeastern Siberia. The Siberian anticyclone is one of the principal sources of polar air masses, and outbreaks of polar air westward from the high-pressure area can cause severe cold spells in the European continent.

                               Resultado de imagen de under the weather

    • Upload 2 graphs or tables about the same issue and try to interpret and compare the info found in them.
    The following graph shows the temperature change in the living room, in a garage and outside for a week. The temperature in the garage and outside are quite similar. The degrees in Monday are below 10, and it eventually decreases until reaching below 5 degrees in Tuesday. And on the inside, specifically the living room, is warmer.

    • Tell us what you've done this week to improve your English.
    In order to improve my English I have seen, for a third time Pursuit of Happiness. The film is about a man that is left by his wife because he is not able to earn a living and pay the bills. He is left with his son an then he does anything to earn a living not only for him but for his son. Furthermore, I have also continued my reading of Small Island. 

                             Resultado de imagen de pursuit of happiness


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