martes, 3 de abril de 2018

WEEK 7: persuasion

  • Find out expressions to express persuasion, different from the ones offered in the textbook.
Resultado de imagen de persuasion

Are you sure you ought to make that complaint?
You really should invite your boss, you know.
That’s quite a good idea, you know.
He’s an excellent Teacher, actually.
Don’t be silly John, it’s not that expensive.
Don’t forget that he’s your uncle.
What about your friends?
What about the time and energy you’ve already invested, then?
Don’t you think you should do something for your institute?
I could do with your support, you know.
I can assure you of my full support.
That’s all I know, honestly.
But you must admit that he did all he could.
But surely you must agree that this is an extraordinary case.
He’s honest, I can assure you.
It’s here in writing.
Isn’t it possible that he doesn’t know anything about it?
Look, I saw it myself.
Honestly, it’s quite true.
I can guarantee that you’ll get a promotion soon.
But don’t you agree that he was not in station at that time?
This is the best quality we can get – there’s no doubt about it.

  • Find a text on the Internet where a hypothesis is discussed and underline the expresions for hypothesising.

Pocket Money

Dear Parents,
This is a proposal for the review of the current pocket money distribution between my sister and me. Emma is older than I by only two years and may I point out- receives nearly twice as much pocket money as I do. I think this is unfair.

As far as I can see, the only reason for the difference is based on our age. I think this is totally unacceptable. I propose that we change this old-fashioned arrangement and bring this family into the 21st century! As I am now performing tasks equal to and in most cases better than my sister I feel it only just that this be recognized.

To illustrate what I am claiming
, I will briefly review what happened over the past week. Emma and I both completed our normal room tidy-up, rubbish disposal and washing-up duties. On top of that, my sister vacuumed the house. I cleaned the windows and scrubbed the bathroom, which, as you said yourself, mother dear, was done beautifully! I find it impossible then to understand how Emma’s pocket money could possibly exceed mine!

In the past my sister has claimed she should receive more because she has trained me how to do these household chores. However, as I am now performing independently, or as an equal team member, this responsibility no longer exists.

I trust you will consider this matter seriously and remove the inequality that now exists.

Your loving-and underpaid- daughter,

  • Tell us what you've done this week to improve your English.
This last week I have not done so much to improve my English and it is because I was on vacation. I have visited my cousins form Albacete and under no circumstances would they let me do any homework, however I have made them watch a movie in English but with Spanish subtitles.

Resultado de imagen de baby driver


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