martes, 3 de abril de 2018

WEEK 8: narrative essay writting

  • Find out on the web 2 different links where narrative essay writing is explained and summarise the main characteristics. In which way is it different from discursive essay writing?
Resultado de imagen de narrative

  • The links for the narrative essays are the following:

Which is most important in a narrative essay is the main aim which is the narration of an event that happened and its normally narrated in first or third person but never in second. When we find a narrative essay the most common thing we find are the following: first of all, it is compulsory for a narrative text to have characters, principal and secondary characters. We also find a plot that follows a timeline. In the essay there is a conflict and also a solution to that problem. In contrast, The goal of a discursive essay is to present a balanced and objective examination of a subject. Like an argumentative essay, the topic may be controversial, but the discursive essay attempts to present a much more balanced discussion of the issue. It does not, however, have to be expressly neutral. The essay should present both sides of the discussion, supported by facts and research. The author may draw tentative conclusions about the subject and suggest them to the reader.

  • Tell us what you've done this week to improve your English.
As I have mentioned in the previous post, I have not done so much last week. however, my intention is to make it up. I will read a book for literature and I will also be writing a paper for reacción academica.

Resultado de imagen de small island book


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