domingo, 1 de octubre de 2017

People and places

My girls.

These pretty girls are my friends. We met to catch up and have a good time together. I met Carla, the girl wearing a white shirt and brown shorts, and Tatiana, the girl who is sitting right next to me, at the age of 3 and we are friends till now. Carla is studying biochemistry at university. She is an amazing positive girl. Tatiana is studying a Superior Grade Formative Course and she is doing well. She is so funny and humble. The girl wearing red trousers is Kaoutar, she is Moroccan, like me. She is an amazing artist; she likes drawing and she is good at it. And finally, Isa, the sweetest girl I have ever met. We met each other at the high school and I wish I have met her before. She is comprehensive and she is always helping me.

These pretty girls are part of me, I count on them and they can count on me. I hope our friendship lasts forever.

My life's biggest ambition is to travel. Japan, Canada, and South Africa would be the main places I would like to visit If I had the opportunity. The main reason for this choice is that these countries are quite different from what I am accustomed to seeing. For instance, in Japan, I would be interested in the beautiful landscapes and temples and the gastronomy, and most importantly, the people's politeness. South Africa is also a fascinating country best known for its beaches and the wildlife and a place where you can practice a huge variety of outdoor activities. And finally, in Canada, there is a huge diversity of cultures and there are also stunning natural wonders.

If I had enough money I would like to spend it on traveling.   Besides, I would take advantage of it and provide needed people with some of my money. In addition, In spite of the fact that I am not so amazing on taking photos, I would like to buy a good professional camera since I am keen on photography and I like the idea of saving memories. Furthermore, I would also invest in my education and future, I would buy lots of books and pay for educative courses. 

Sara Bahadi

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