martes, 12 de diciembre de 2017

The fashion show (Week 12)

Urbanette Magazine did an interview to Angelina Jolie. In this interview Hilary Rowland, the interviever, asks her many questions among them are how did she get through times, her fears and how did she find hapiness?
When Urbanette asks her how does she feel about being in the public eye all the time, Angelina Jolie answers that she wants to be outspoken, not keeping secrets, she would like to be open with the public and being free to say her opinions. Regarding the question of it is hard to balance her activism with her film career, A. Jolie says that her role as a goodwill ambassador has made her work as a film star relativelly dull and that she is not excited about going to a film set anymore. Angelina Jolie says that she stuggles with low self-esteem and sometimes she thinks she looks as a funny muppet when Urbanette Magazine if she is insecure. When the interviewer asks her if she shed her "bad girl", her answer was that she may be the least morbid person one can meet. However, she adds that if she thinks more about death than other people is because she loves life more than they do. Finally, Angelina Jolie says that she adjust her perspective and that there are many people who are suffering more than her, but they get and move on, when Hilary Rowland asked her about how does she go through the hard times in her life.

In terms of fashion I like wearing dark clothes, specially the colour black. Thus, here are some pictures of my favourite trendy clothes of this year.

In order to improve my English skills last week I watched an English Tv show.

By Nassira Dahmani

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