lunes, 11 de diciembre de 2017

You live and learn (Week 11)

I have found a website of one of the top-level learning centres in the study abroad industry, it is Zoni. Zoni has many programmes and courses for those who want to improve their English skills, and also offers its own innovative teaching methods.
I also have found this website where students from different countries share their experience about studying abroad.
Studying abroad may seem a challenge for many people, howver getting involved in it has many advantages. When you decide to study abroad, not only improve your English but also learn and experience new culture. Thus, you start seeing and understanding the world from a different perspective. Besides by studying abroad you learn how to become more independent and gain opportunities to find  a job. The only diasadvantages I see of studying abroad are the higher living costs and being apart from your family. As ar as I am concerned, I would like to travel and study abroad, if I had the chance someday, I will never slipt it away, since this is an opportunity which not everyone can have.

Last week I did not do a lot of activities to improve my English since I had a class project. However, I attended classes and did some grammar exercises.

By Nassira Dahmani

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