sábado, 16 de diciembre de 2017


Nowadays there are a lot of  programs offered to students that want to study abroad, not only for university students but also for High school students. One of the most well known programs is Erasmus, which consists of traveling to another county within the European Union to study part of your degree. There are a lot of advantages of taking this kind of opportunities: one of the most important advantages is that you get out of your 'habitat', which means that you are more independent and you have to take care of yourself and make big decisions on your own.

 Another important advantage is that you improve your English or the language spoken in the country you visit. Having said that, I can say that the only disadvantage is that it might be a little bit expensive, even if the government helps you with a scholarship, it might not be enough.

                                       Image result for erasmus

Apart from this program, there are other scholarships:
Chevening scholarships: this ones are offered by UK to stay there for a year while studying a master after finishing the degree.
Eiffel scholarship: it consists of scholarships given by France for students to complete a master or Phd in France.

In order to improve my English I have watched a comedy film named 'The Dictator' which is about a man that hates democracy and controls a whole county. Then he is called by the United Nations (OMU) to explain what is going on and then a series of thing happen to him in her stance in EE.UU. I watched this film in English and subtitled. It was really funny because it is like a mocking of all those governments that are in certain way opposed to democracy.

                                  Image result for the dictator

Sara Bahadi

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