martes, 1 de mayo de 2018

WEEK 11: complaining

  • Browse the Net and find out charts where phrasal verbs are illustrated and upload one of them to your blog. Add more phrasal verbs from the same family
Resultado de imagen de grumble

  • Find a text on the Net where a complaint is stated and underline expressions to complain.

Dear Manager
I am unhappy with the quality of a television cabinet I bought at 5 Street on 15 December and I am writing to seek a replacement.
The cabinet doors do not open and shut properly and the stain on the cabinet is uneven, with one half darker than the other. The cabinet was delivered on 30 December and I noticed this problem as soon as I unpacked it from the box.
The cabinet  is not of acceptable quality and does not match the sample cabinet I was shown in store. I would like you to replace it with one of the same quality and finish as the sample and arrange for return of the faulty cabinet at no cost.
I have attached a photocopy of my receipt as proof of purchase.
I would like to have this problem fixed quickly please. If I do not hear from you within 10 days, I will lodge a formal complaint with Consumer Affairs in my state.
You can contact me on 1234 5678 during working hours or after hours on 123 456 789 to discuss this matter further.
Yours sincerely,
Jane Brown

Dear Mr Black: Following our telephone conversation earlier today, I am writing to give details of my dissatisfaction with my stay at the New Hotel, Los Christianos, Tenerife, on 10– 18 August 2010, which I booked with your company for me and my family. 
My central complaint is that the hotel fell far short of the description in the brochure. We had booked two double suites, in rooms 213 and 214. Although the rooms were billed as four-star accommodation, they were very cramped, and the furnishings were worn and dirty. In addition, the shower in room 213 did not work. The hotel’s grounds, described in the brochure as “pleasant, tranquil, and spacious,” were in fact bordered on two sides by a very busy main road. The swimming pool was closed the entire week for repairs.
 When we spoke to your representative, Tracey Mills, she promised to try to get the shower fixed, but this took an unacceptably long time to happen—three days from when we first complained. I asked her to fill out an accommodation report form detailing these issues and I enclose a copy for your information, together with photos of the bedrooms and the hotel grounds.
 As I stated in my telephone call, I feel that we are due a full refund for this hotel stay as it failed to meet the description in the brochure, and it ruined our holiday. I look forward to hearing from you within the next two weeks. 
Sincerely yours,
 Maria Johnson

  • Tell us what you've done this week to improve your English.

In order to improve my English, this week I have been practicing on making references. I have learned how to make a proper reference list and how to write in-text citations in order to avoid plagiarism. In addition, I have watched a marvel film, Iron man in English and with English subtitles. Furthermore, I have done some exercises form the teacher's website since the final exam in near.

Resultado de imagen de iron man


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