martes, 29 de mayo de 2018

Week 15: Game Over

Writing on this blog has been useful since it helped improve my writing skills as well as learn the structure of the different types essays I can find. Besides, I've found a huge number of links about English grammar and expressions used in this language. The only aspect I could complain about is that sometimes the tasks we had to write were repetitive. However, in general the idea of the blog was really positive and helpful to be more creative.

In respect of the subject, Lengua Inglesa IV, I have to say that my English level has improved compared to previous years. The essays we were required to write and later were corrected by the teacher were highly beneficial since they were based on a novel, Hamlet in our case. Focusing on the lessons, the listenings we have done with with the conversation assistant improved my hearing skills. Apart from that, it would have been better if we had done some exercises related to the C level we are supposed to achieve since the exercises of the book we had didn't prepare us to face the exam. Nonetheless,  I must say that the teacher's website has provided us with great exercises similar to those in the exam.

All in all, it has been a good academic year in which we have learnt and experienced new things.
Thanks for reading me and see you soon!

Nassira Dahmani

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