jueves, 30 de noviembre de 2017



Reports are document with a formal character which are a result of an investigation or research. The information that a report has has to be clear and concise and also it has to be well structured so that it would be easy to read and understand. A report must include a title and subtitles.

Resultado de imagen de report of a famous person
(from http://www.middleschoolcomputerprojects.org/uploads/3/6/6/3/3663519/6778885_orig.jpg)


As for proposals, it is a document that is based on suggestions about something. It is also a writing that offers solutions to problems (recommendations). As a form of persuasive writing, proposals attempt to convince the recipient to act in accordance with the writer's intent and includes such as examples as internal proposals, external proposals, grant proposals, and sales proposals.

Resultado de imagen de ejemplo proposal
(from https://salondeidiomas.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/reportsample.jpg?w=705)

The similarities between proposals and reports is that you are expected to write in clearly organised sections and include factual information leading to a suggestion, recommendation or conclusion. When you write a proposal you are trying to persuade readers to follow a course of action. Your readers may be a boss or teacher  or colleagues or members of your club. In both cases the format should be the same. You will have to make a suggestion or suggestions based on some factual information. (from http://campus.belgrano.ort.edu.ar/ingles/ciclosuperior/2012-6GR-CAE/articulo/288401/proposals-and-reports)

                                                   IMPROVING MY ENGLISH

In order to improve my English, this week I have watched a British comedy film. The film is named "Bhaji on the beach", this film is about a British family that go on a trip. The themes of the film are racism and women oppression.

Image result for bhaj on the beach

Sara Bahadi

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