miércoles, 28 de febrero de 2018

In my view (WEEK 3):

Nowadays, one of the most current topics is feminism (whose definition is: "the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes."). Everyone knows that on March 8 is celebrated the International Women's Day and the continuous fight against gender violence. This issue is increasingly supported and more and more people attend these kinds of strikes. In my opinion, this issue is important to raise awareness among all the citizens, both men and women, of what does feminism mean and the increase of victims caused by gender violence in recent years. In addition to that, this issue is not related only to women, men are also joining this cause and defending the rights of women. It seems to me that everyone should attend these strikes that take place on March 8 and support all women. 

I searched the web and I found these links where the infinitive is explained. I hope that you can use these web pages:

The movie that I have seen the most times is called "American History X". It is a film that teaches you moral values and that a person can change for the better if he proposes it. All the times I've seen this movie have been in Spanish, but this weekend I saw it in English to improve my vocabulary and the pronunciation of many words. 

I have also read some excerpts from "The Canterbury Tales" for the literature class.


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