sábado, 24 de febrero de 2018

WEEK 3: your opinion

  • Write your opinion about a trending topic you strongly support or condemn.

There is a matter that has been concerning me for a long time, which is the lack of gun control in USA which has costed the life of so many people. To be honest, the only function of a gun is to kill. Why would a person need a gun?. As you might have noticed the main problem that is shooting again and again the United States of America is the lack of gun control. It is easy for someone to buy a gun and use it as he or she likes it. In my opinion, we need to stop this. Actually, if possible, all governments around the world should have a voice on this matter and do as much as they can to ban guns. 


  • Browse the net for links where the infinitive is explained.
 There are quite useful pages on the internet that can help us to learn how to use the infinitive properly:

  • Tell us what you have done this week to improve your English.
In order to improve my English I have watched two films that my classmate recommended me. Furthermore, I did some exercises from the teacher's website which are quite helpful. I wish I had more time last week to spend on learning more vocabulary.

                                                      Resultado de imagen de pitch perfect


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