domingo, 25 de febrero de 2018

Week 3: In my view

A topic that has been concerning me a lot is what we can call the "Syrian genocide" happening right now in Eastern Ghouta. The Syrian civil war will turn eight years in March and nothing have happened yet. It seems that the great powers have not find any solution to end one of the worst wars in the 21st century. In my view, as long as they can sell their weapons and increase their economy, this seems to have no end.

As in any other war conflict, the ones who suffer are always the same: the people. Those who cannot do anything to survive, just wait their time to die under bombs. Meanwhile the world turns a blind eye, as if nothing have been happening. We will not feel their pain  until it happens to us, something I wish would never happen. Either to us or to any other else. Besides their sufferings and pains, they still have hope, they have not lost it, they still believe in this world and its humanity. They are still smiling...

Here are some websites that explain the infinitive very well:

Last week in order to improve my English I watched some episodes of "Friends".

Nassira Dahmani

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