domingo, 18 de febrero de 2018

Week 1: Language

Learning languages can open doors to many opportunities, it is an advantage since you can find many  more jobs and get hired inmediately. Besides, according to some scientific researches, learning a foreing language helps our minds to stay active, our memory to be developed and the ability to concentrate increases. Speaking foreing languages also allows us to interact with people from different cultures and learn about their traditions.

Therefore, as I already speak Spanish, I want to improve my Arabic, English and French which I have been learning since primary school. However, I would like to learn new languages such as German, Chinese, and Russian. As English, German is a Germanic language, thus it is quite similar to the first and one of the most taught in the world. Regarding Chinese and Russian, I would like to learn them since they are being spoken and used frequently.

In order to improve my English, last week I watched TheEllenShow in which Ellen interviewed the American comedian and actress Amy Schumer.

Nassira Dahmani

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