jueves, 30 de noviembre de 2017



Reports are document with a formal character which are a result of an investigation or research. The information that a report has has to be clear and concise and also it has to be well structured so that it would be easy to read and understand. A report must include a title and subtitles.

Resultado de imagen de report of a famous person
(from http://www.middleschoolcomputerprojects.org/uploads/3/6/6/3/3663519/6778885_orig.jpg)


As for proposals, it is a document that is based on suggestions about something. It is also a writing that offers solutions to problems (recommendations). As a form of persuasive writing, proposals attempt to convince the recipient to act in accordance with the writer's intent and includes such as examples as internal proposals, external proposals, grant proposals, and sales proposals.

Resultado de imagen de ejemplo proposal
(from https://salondeidiomas.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/reportsample.jpg?w=705)

The similarities between proposals and reports is that you are expected to write in clearly organised sections and include factual information leading to a suggestion, recommendation or conclusion. When you write a proposal you are trying to persuade readers to follow a course of action. Your readers may be a boss or teacher  or colleagues or members of your club. In both cases the format should be the same. You will have to make a suggestion or suggestions based on some factual information. (from http://campus.belgrano.ort.edu.ar/ingles/ciclosuperior/2012-6GR-CAE/articulo/288401/proposals-and-reports)

                                                   IMPROVING MY ENGLISH

In order to improve my English, this week I have watched a British comedy film. The film is named "Bhaji on the beach", this film is about a British family that go on a trip. The themes of the film are racism and women oppression.

Image result for bhaj on the beach

Sara Bahadi

miércoles, 29 de noviembre de 2017



A report is the result of an investigation or research. It will contain an amount of information and it makes communication clearer and effectively. Its structure has easy-to-digest sections with heading and titles. First and foremost, there is an introduction of the report's subject, several headings (where you can include recommendations to the readers) and a clear conclusion. 


Proposals are similar to reports. Proposals try to persuasive the readers about new activities or action-steps. They must be creative, offering new ideas, shown an emotional commitment... Proposals also have an introduction, different paragraphs with headings or titles and a conclusion. However, the language used in proposals is semi-formal or informal.

 - Finally, in order to improve my English, this week I have seen a film called "My Beautiful Laundrette" so as to make a job. It is a very interesting film about the conflict of races, genders, and sexuality in the United Kingdom over the twenty century. 

Lorena Conesa Martínez. 

Urban living (week 9):

During my whole life, I have lived in a house in a pretty quiet town. In front of my house, there is a field and my neighbors have never bothered me. That is why my village is very calm and peaceful. 
Nevertheless, in the future, I would like to live in a big city with a different atmosphere in order to change my environment because everyone wants what they do not have; if I had lived in a crowded city, I would like to rest in a small and quiet town in the future. 

As I mentioned, I would like to live in a city such as Madrid, London or even Tokyo. 

Live would be easier in these cities when I am 50 because if I live in the center and I need to buy something or do anything, I just have to go out and do it. In a town, this is different because when you need something you have to take the car or the bus and move to where that place is. 

But the list of places where I would like to live when I grow up does not end here. I would like to live in...

It is a famous place where you can relax on the beach. 

This site is reminiscent of the previous one, but the beaches are much more paradisiacal.

And finally, Granada: 

It's a city where I've been five times at least and whose history I love.
This is a photo that I took of the Alhambra at night the last time I visited Granada.

But I would never live in a place where it is too cold, like Norway, because I can not stand that climate! 

Lorena Conesa Martínez. 

martes, 28 de noviembre de 2017

Reports and proposals ( Week 10)

The report does not use contractions, it is written in a formal language. The report outlines the purpose of why the author is writing. The report is explaining an issue and the goal of the project.


The proposal try to convince the reader to act in accordance with the writer's intent. It is written in a semi-formal language with contractions and it is addressed to a specific person.

Finally, in order to improve to my English, I watched a film which deals with gender and sexuality for a class project and I also started readin a book I bought three days ago entitled “The girl who played with fire” by Stieg Larsson.
By Nassira Dahmani

lunes, 27 de noviembre de 2017


I describe myself as a quiet person that likes quietness. Thus, when I grow up, not necessarily too old, I would like to live in a peaceful house in the middle of the countryside, away from pollution and noise. I would like to connect with nature and disconnect form the hustle and bustle of the city. In case I couldn't afford a house in the countryside I would like to live in a town rather that a big city.

                     Image result for house on the woods

  • Upload other pictures of places you would like to live and say, in one sentence, why each one is a good place to live.

Image result for best placesto live

I would like to live here because I like cold places rather that hot places. It would be a great place 

Image result for la caasa blanca

I would like to live here because I like white houses and also because I'd like to replace Donald Trump. It would be amazing, not just for me but for Americans too, because  I'll make America great again.

Last week, in order to improve my English I have been reading lyrics of some songs I like. It was actually a very shocking activity because I realized that I have been singing the wrong lyrics all this time. I have also read a couple of poems from a couple of books I have bought last month.

Image result for the sun and her flowers


Sara Bahadi

domingo, 26 de noviembre de 2017

Urban living (Week 9)

I have always dreamed of living in a bilingual city where two of the foreign languages I speak more or less, French and English are spoken in that place. That's one of the reasons of why I would like to live in Quebec, a province of Canada, although its official language is French, they also speak English. When I am 50, life in Quebec would not be the same, it would be different and maybe become an independent country. There would be improving on the social infrastructure, many buildings and hotels would be constructed and there would also be more leisure activities for retired people. I hope life in Quebec at the age of 50 would be quite and calm specially for those who want to relax. Moreover, life would be much easier since the development of technology and science.

Imagen relacionada

Geneva is another place where I would like to live. It is a good place due to the fact it is an international city where you can meet people from all over the word.

Imagen relacionada

I would also like to live in a quite village in Seoul, South Korea. It is a peaceful place where you cannot hear a lot of noise and it is next to the centre of the city.

Imagen relacionada

Finally, in order to improve my English, this week I listened to some podcasts in English and wrote down some grammatical notes.

By Nassira Dahmani

viernes, 17 de noviembre de 2017

Odd inventions

Inventors nowadays use to create new things, particularly new weird things. Even though some inventions seem to be really odd and rare, sometimes we can find them useful and even funny. For me, the next one is the funniest invention I have found. It is a duck-billed muzzle for dogs. Isn't it amazing? I think that it would look really cute. 

A Duck-Billed Protective Muzzle For Dogs


Another invention that caught my attention is a toaster that toasts your selfie onto the surface of the bread. It would be really funny to wake up one morning and eat a delicious toast whit your beautiful face one it.

                               A toaster that toasts your selfie onto the surface of the bread.

This week, in order to improve my English I have watched a series of videos on the internet, and I have also continued reading poetry books. 

Sara Bahadi

martes, 14 de noviembre de 2017

Successful Business

A successful business, for me, is the result of good organization and hard work. Another important factor is to have a clear idea of the aim of the company in order to get huge benefits.

According to George N. Root III, business success is measured in different ways, but there are consistent methods for achieving the success that needs to be part of your corporate planning and administrative process; planning, employee retention, and management. In regards to the planning, Business and marketing plans are the road maps to becoming a successful company. Your company growth, new product releases, marketing campaigns, and revenue should be carefully planned. A business plan guides the overall direction of the company. Furthermore, employee relations, competitive salaries, health benefits, career development and a safe working environment are elements of employee retention. A successful company works hard to recruit good talent and keep it. And as for the management, management team develops and administers the plans that help your company move forward. Strong management becomes an important part of other company success elements, such as business planning and employee retention. When the staff has confidence in management, it will work to make the company plans successfully. (from http://smallbusiness.chron.com/key-elements-make-company-successful-22315.html)

Choose the best 5 things to take into account for a successful business and justify your answer.
-be fearless. I think it is important to be firm in our decisions and also bear in mind that we are humans and we can make mistakes.
-show gratitude. We should be grateful for being where we are. Even if we fall and we are not doing good we should be grateful. Life is about ups and downs.
-stay healthy; because health is the first thing we should think about since it is priceless.
-keep the right friend, because you will need them when you feel you cannot bear it. Get rid of the fake friends because they might feel jealous and drag you down.
-the importance of family. 'family goes first', that is what I always say. You will always find support in your family.

This week I have not done too much to improve my English since I was ill and I have not gone to school. However, I have met a two Erasmus students and we have been talking in English. I hope next week I will be better so that I could spend more time learning.

Sara Bahadi

lunes, 13 de noviembre de 2017


Every time there are more inventions that facilitate our day-to-day. I have been searching on the Internet and, in my opinion, these two are the most useful inventions. 

The first one is a kind of baby carriage that also serves as a scooter. I reckon that it is very useful for all those mothers who are in a hurry and have to carry their babies with them. This invention would save you a lot of time because you can go faster with it. 

Have you ever gotten up at midnight and crashed your foot into any furniture? This invention has the solution! 
Instead of turning on all the lights in your house to see better, these slippers have built-in LED lights in order to see the peaks of the furniture if you get up to drink water or go to the toilet. 

Lorena Conesa Martínez. 

domingo, 12 de noviembre de 2017

Odd inventions ( Week 8)

First of all, before trying to make a new invention we have to take into account if it will be useful or not, if it is already invented and if it will be comfortable to use. If we browse the Internet we can find hundreds of funny and odd inventions, which some of them are practical and makes life easier for many people.

Resultado de imagen de odd inventions                                        Resultado de imagen de odd inventions

I have found an odd and a funny invention which may be dangerous if we are not used to it : the training wheel high heels. Wearing high heels is in itself a pain for those women who do not know how to wear them properly. However, nowadays they can train their balance by wearing those training wheel high heels, they are just like skates. Therefore, this invention could help many women to stay stable, nevertheless, it can be seen as useless by others since it is dangerous.

Resultado de imagen de training wheel high heels

 Another invention which really shocked me and I would like to share it with you is the finger nose stylus for touchscreen technology SD. The designer of this invention is Dominic Wilcox who created it in order to use his touch-screen phone when he is in the bathroom. As we can see it is a weird invention, however it may be useful, specially in winter when it is cold and we do not want to remove our gloves to use or phone. Therefore, we have the solution to stay warm in the cold weather, we just have to use our nose!

Resultado de imagen de finger nose stylus

In respect of the activities that I have done in order to improve my English are watching a TV show and reading the news in English.

By Nassira Dahmani

lunes, 6 de noviembre de 2017

What is a successful business? (Week 7)

What do we understand by a successful business? First of all, the word successful is an adjective that according to the English Oxford dictionary means “accomplishing a desired aim or result “. Thus, we can describe the successful business as a dream achieved by a person through effort and constancy. Nevertheless, opinions can differ from a person to another. As far as I am concerned, a successful business is having a company which does not have great losses, has highly skilled workers and has strong relationships with its distributors and other companies. 

Resultado de imagen de successful business

I have found a link on the Internet where appears some important recommendations to bear in mind if we want to succeed in something not only in business. Passion and people are the most required things to build a successful business, according to the co-founder of Apple Inc, Steve Jobs. He also highlights that not loving what we are doing leads us to failure, so that is why we have to have passion. For Steve Jobs, having a team of great people is another component if we want to build a successful business.  

Imagen relacionada

From this link  https://www.inc.com/john-rampton/how-to-be-successful-in-business-and-be-successful-in-life-too.html I have chosen five things that I found most essential to do in order to be successful in business or in life in general:

- Understand finance: We need to learn how to invest our money without losing it, on the contrary, we have to make it work for us and benefit from it.
- Grow as a leader: Many people started from scratch and now they are running multinational companies. Therefore, being a leader implies motivating people to believe and join your project.
- Having the right attitude: Helping others and not feeling superior to them just because you are rich. The real success is wining people's love and being remembered by everyone as an inspirational person and a model to follow.
- Showing gratitude: We always need to think that we started from nothing, we should not forget the people who helped us to be where we are today.
- Keeping the right friends: Friends are the people who are always supporting and giving us help, that's why keeping them is a must.

Finally, in order to improve my English, this week I watched a film with English subtitles.

By Nassira Dahmani

jueves, 2 de noviembre de 2017

What is a successful business? (Week 7):

From my viewpoint, the definition of "successful business" may vary according to the person who answers. I am not very keen on business. So, I would define this term as an association or a single entrepreneur who creates a company which has benefits and advances adequately. 

I have found a website that gives tips in order to success if you have a small business. https://www.quora.com/What-do-you-think-is-the-key-to-success-for-your-small-business 
And, you can find here several opinions about small business (the opposite to successful business). https://www.quora.com/What-do-you-as-a-realist-think-about-small-business-and-or-local-business

In the following link, https://www.inc.com/john-rampton/how-to-be-successful-in-business-and-be-successful-in-life-too.html appears ten things you must do to be successful in business and in life. I have chosen five of them:
The most important one is to be fearless. You must be sure about what you are going to create and face all kinds of problems that come your way. You always have to be prepared for what may come to you. 
Also, you must grow as a leader and acquire partners due to the fact that if you work with people, your business will success and if you work with other people, you will not have to take responsibility for everything. 
You must have the right attitude because if you are optimistic, things go better and you will enjoy your own work. 
And finally, I reckon that family is very important. You need to feel supported by someone in order to be able to carry out all your new projects.
These are the most important things to take into account when you create a new business. 

This week I have found this webpage: https://www.examenglish.com/CAE/English_in_Use.php which I use in order to simulate that they are English's exams. The level used is a C1 so, this site would be useful to study the subject. 
This is an example of how it does work. 

Lorena Conesa