viernes, 17 de noviembre de 2017

Odd inventions

Inventors nowadays use to create new things, particularly new weird things. Even though some inventions seem to be really odd and rare, sometimes we can find them useful and even funny. For me, the next one is the funniest invention I have found. It is a duck-billed muzzle for dogs. Isn't it amazing? I think that it would look really cute. 

A Duck-Billed Protective Muzzle For Dogs


Another invention that caught my attention is a toaster that toasts your selfie onto the surface of the bread. It would be really funny to wake up one morning and eat a delicious toast whit your beautiful face one it.

                               A toaster that toasts your selfie onto the surface of the bread.

This week, in order to improve my English I have watched a series of videos on the internet, and I have also continued reading poetry books. 

Sara Bahadi

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