martes, 14 de noviembre de 2017

Successful Business

A successful business, for me, is the result of good organization and hard work. Another important factor is to have a clear idea of the aim of the company in order to get huge benefits.

According to George N. Root III, business success is measured in different ways, but there are consistent methods for achieving the success that needs to be part of your corporate planning and administrative process; planning, employee retention, and management. In regards to the planning, Business and marketing plans are the road maps to becoming a successful company. Your company growth, new product releases, marketing campaigns, and revenue should be carefully planned. A business plan guides the overall direction of the company. Furthermore, employee relations, competitive salaries, health benefits, career development and a safe working environment are elements of employee retention. A successful company works hard to recruit good talent and keep it. And as for the management, management team develops and administers the plans that help your company move forward. Strong management becomes an important part of other company success elements, such as business planning and employee retention. When the staff has confidence in management, it will work to make the company plans successfully. (from

Choose the best 5 things to take into account for a successful business and justify your answer.
-be fearless. I think it is important to be firm in our decisions and also bear in mind that we are humans and we can make mistakes.
-show gratitude. We should be grateful for being where we are. Even if we fall and we are not doing good we should be grateful. Life is about ups and downs.
-stay healthy; because health is the first thing we should think about since it is priceless.
-keep the right friend, because you will need them when you feel you cannot bear it. Get rid of the fake friends because they might feel jealous and drag you down.
-the importance of family. 'family goes first', that is what I always say. You will always find support in your family.

This week I have not done too much to improve my English since I was ill and I have not gone to school. However, I have met a two Erasmus students and we have been talking in English. I hope next week I will be better so that I could spend more time learning.

Sara Bahadi

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