domingo, 12 de noviembre de 2017

Odd inventions ( Week 8)

First of all, before trying to make a new invention we have to take into account if it will be useful or not, if it is already invented and if it will be comfortable to use. If we browse the Internet we can find hundreds of funny and odd inventions, which some of them are practical and makes life easier for many people.

Resultado de imagen de odd inventions                                        Resultado de imagen de odd inventions

I have found an odd and a funny invention which may be dangerous if we are not used to it : the training wheel high heels. Wearing high heels is in itself a pain for those women who do not know how to wear them properly. However, nowadays they can train their balance by wearing those training wheel high heels, they are just like skates. Therefore, this invention could help many women to stay stable, nevertheless, it can be seen as useless by others since it is dangerous.

Resultado de imagen de training wheel high heels

 Another invention which really shocked me and I would like to share it with you is the finger nose stylus for touchscreen technology SD. The designer of this invention is Dominic Wilcox who created it in order to use his touch-screen phone when he is in the bathroom. As we can see it is a weird invention, however it may be useful, specially in winter when it is cold and we do not want to remove our gloves to use or phone. Therefore, we have the solution to stay warm in the cold weather, we just have to use our nose!

Resultado de imagen de finger nose stylus

In respect of the activities that I have done in order to improve my English are watching a TV show and reading the news in English.

By Nassira Dahmani

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