lunes, 27 de noviembre de 2017


I describe myself as a quiet person that likes quietness. Thus, when I grow up, not necessarily too old, I would like to live in a peaceful house in the middle of the countryside, away from pollution and noise. I would like to connect with nature and disconnect form the hustle and bustle of the city. In case I couldn't afford a house in the countryside I would like to live in a town rather that a big city.

                     Image result for house on the woods

  • Upload other pictures of places you would like to live and say, in one sentence, why each one is a good place to live.

Image result for best placesto live

I would like to live here because I like cold places rather that hot places. It would be a great place 

Image result for la caasa blanca

I would like to live here because I like white houses and also because I'd like to replace Donald Trump. It would be amazing, not just for me but for Americans too, because  I'll make America great again.

Last week, in order to improve my English I have been reading lyrics of some songs I like. It was actually a very shocking activity because I realized that I have been singing the wrong lyrics all this time. I have also read a couple of poems from a couple of books I have bought last month.

Image result for the sun and her flowers


Sara Bahadi

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