martes, 31 de octubre de 2017

Connections (week 6).

109 Hollywood Avenue
Birmingham, United Kingdom
October 31, 2017

Dear Melissa, 
How are you? I'm doing well. We haven't seen each other for a long time. I reckon that the last time was in that summer camp when we were 12 years old. Things around here have changed a lot since then. My elder sister has already graduated, my father and my mother are still working in the same company and I am studying "English Studies". You already know that I have always liked this language. Do you remember when we spoke in English? Well, thanks to you my vocabulary improved a lot. What about you? How is your family? And what are you studying?

My degree is very interesting. We study grammar, phonetics, literature and last year, we have learned how to write better. However, you already know that in order to improve in a language you also need to do activities outside of class. I talk to native speakers like you, that's why I am writing you this letter. I also usually watch series and films in English with subtitles in English, too. This is a good way to understand everything that characters say. The other day I had to watch Billy Elliot's film in English so as to make a job, and every time I understand more and more words! 
But that's not all, I think music is important. Listening to English music is something that I do every day and it's very useful. If you want to improve your Spanish, I recommend you to listen to Spanish music although it isn't as good as English music... 
It is also important to read in order to improve grammar and have imagination, I have read many novels, the last one I read is called "A Love for Life". I recommend that book!

I do not have much time to keep telling you things, but I think I have your phone number so I'll get through you someday and I'll wait for you to pick up the phone or call me back! 
Just in case, I'll write here my phone number: 694123945
With love, 
Lorena Conesa 

In order to write formal letters, I use this webpage: 
But, if you want to write an informal one, as the letter I have written above, I use this webpage: 
Both of them are very useful. 
This week we were dealing with phrasal verbs associated with phone calls, so I have found this site that explains some of these phrasal verbs:

lunes, 30 de octubre de 2017


                                                                                                                             23 October 2017

Hi Caroline.

How are you doing? I hope you're fine. Many thanks for the last postcard you've sent me, I really liked it. I'm so sorry I haven't texted you back, I've been too busy with the move. Haven't I told you before?, well, I'am moving to Valencia. I hope you come to visit me one day.

Oh, another thing, remember when you told me that you wanted to improve your English? well, I'll tell you about a couple of things I'm carrying out to become a fluent English speaker. A couple of weeks I bought three poetry books written by a novel, Rupi Kaur. She is really good. You should buy her books or if you can't spend money I can lend them to you so you can read them. As I was saying, I bought the books and each day I read a couple of poems and try to understand them. It's an enjoyable way of learning English, believe me! I'm also watching a TV show with English subtitles. The show is deals with social injustice in a high school. Another activity that I've started recently is listening to a song and try to write the lyrics.To be honest, I'm a real mess at this activity but I try my best. 

Anyway, I must go, I have a lot to do today. Don't forget texting me back. By the way, I will love you eternally if you could share with me the activities you do to improve your English.

Lots of love, look after your self.


As you might know, writing a letter has always been important. Thus, it is essential to have in mind the main steps you need to take when you write a letter since it could be crucial at the time of requesting a job or addressing someone important in order to apologize or thank him/her. Thus, I will share with you a couple of pages in order to help you writing letters.

Something I have done last weekend is talking in English with a friend. We are both Arab girls but we have different dialects, I am Moroccan and she is Syrian so it is hard for me to understand her so when we talk we do it in English.

Sara Bahadi

sábado, 28 de octubre de 2017

Dream jobs

When we choose to study a degree, we expect to get a job related to that degree. In my case, as I am studying English philology, I would like to work as a translator or interpreter. More specifically, a job associated with legal or institutional translation. However, I do not have anything against teaching but I do not see myself as a teacher. My worst job would be working as a supermarket cashier or as cleaning woman.

I asked my mum about my grandparents and she told me that their working conditions were too bad. My grandfather, was a Shepherd, he used to work for other people. he used to wake up in the early morning to go graze and he returned home in the late afternoon. He did not receive to much money for that job so he worked also at home. As my mum's family lived in a countryside, they had animals; a cow, turkeys and chickens so that they could obtain their resources. As you might deduce, their living conditions were not good, however, they, my grandparents, managed to raise my mom so that she could give birth to an amazing girl, me. Regarding to my grandmother, she used to take care of the animals. There advantage of the job my grandfather had is that at least he had a job and the disadvantages are that he was always struggling, he couldn't send my aunts and uncles to school because they hadn't enough money and they lived in the countryside. Therefore, my uncles had to emigrate so that they could find a proper job, settle down and raise  family. 

Finally, this week I have done a couple of things to improve my English. I have read a c1 level book and a couple of poems, I have also watched a film named "life is sweet".

Sara Bahadi

viernes, 27 de octubre de 2017

Connections (Week 6)

                                                                                                         303 Corporation Street
                                                                                                         Manchester, UK
                                                                                                          October 25, 2017

Dear Jane,
I hope you´re doing very well, I miss you so much. It has been two weeks since I wrote you, I was a bit busy, you know, exams are near and we have many projects to do. As I´ve to improve my English skills, I´m trying to do some activities everyday. By the way, how is your journey going? As you´re in China you can take the opportunity and practice your speaking. I will tell you some recommendations if you want to follow in order to improve your Chinese. What I´m doing to improve my English is working and practising everyday. Therefore, when I´m not in class, I do some grammar exercises to improve my writing skills. I read some poems and stories in English and I try to look for new Englsih words that I didn´t know before. Moreover, I listen to some Englsih podcasts and songs since I want to practice my listening and pronunciation. Apart from that, I also watch films with English subtitles and I wrote down the words which I don´t understand. As you have the opportunity to talk with native Chinese speakers, try to improve your speaking. That´s all Jane, I hope you´re enjoying and having fun in China, you´re lucky enough to be there. Anyway, if you have any problem with anything, just tell me, I´m here to help you. I´ve to go now, don´t forget to write me back as soon as you can to tell me your adventures.
Take care of yourself. With love,
Nassira Dahmani

Years ago, sending a letter was one of the only ways of communicating with others over a long distance. However, nowadays are barely used, technology and the Internet have replaced them. Writing a letter is not as easy as it sounds, it has many steps which we need to take into account if we want our message to be understood with clarity. We also have to be careful with the language that we are goimg to use, if it is formal or informal. Therefore, I would like to share with you some links which show us how to write letters properly.

Last week I watched a documentary about working class society, and I also watched The Ellen Show. Besides this, I helped my brother to write an essay for his English class.

By Nassira Dahmani

martes, 24 de octubre de 2017

Dream jobs (Week 5)

By way of introduction, since we were kids we thought about what our future job will be, most of us wanted to be doctors, astronauts, teachers, police officers...However, many of us have changed their preferences due to the fact that we realized that those jobs are difficult or we found better jobs which can help us to develop our abilities and skills. Therefore, the best job is one in which we can feel comfortable, in which we learn something new everyday and the most important, a job that we like and is related to what we studied.

Personally, my dream job would be one related to languages since my degree is based on it. I would like to work as a translator in an international company or as an interpreter in an embassy or maybe at the United Nations. Working as a journalist would also be my dream job, therefore, I do not mind working as an editor for a review or a journal. In terms of my worst job would be a job whcih has nothing to do with my degree or one which I do not enjoy a lot.  The worst job is that one where I feel stressed, a job where I have to work long hours and earn a miserable salary.Thus, my worst job would be something like a babysitter or a cashier in a supermarket, for example.

Imagen relacionadaImagen relacionada

Years ago, my grandparents were working in very difficult conditions just o make a living and feed their children. My grandfather is still remembering the jobs he worked in, always when I talk to him, he ends up telling me his adventures and anecdotes when Morocco was still a French protectorate. He worked in different types of jobs, as a shepherd rearing animals, as a farmer working all day in someone´s field. He used to wake up early and come back very late, he was always arriving exhausted since this was his routine. In spite of all this pain, my grandfather have raised his children with my grandmother´s help until they grew up. The only advantage I see in working in this type of jobs is that my grandfather at least had a job, even though the conditions were very bad. The disadvantages of these jobs are many, as I said below, the conditions were horrible, many workers were treated unfairly, they had to work a lot of hours just to earn a measly salary.

Imagen relacionada

Finally, this week I have done some activities in order to improve my writing skills. I also finished reading an English book. Besides this, I started watching a film about working class life in Britain.

By Nassira Dahmani

If I were you...

Something I want to do when I find some time is learning French.That is why I am always looking for advice to learn it and become a fluent speaker. Thus, I am going to share with you an interesting blog I have come across while surfing the net. In this blog you will find tips and tools that would make learning a language easier for you.

  • Set your goals. Tangible and specific goals to make it easier and feel motivated.
  • Motivation. Reminding yourself the reason you want to learn a language.
  • Learn vocabulary in context. That is the best way to retain new words.
  • Revise your own native language. You won't make progress on a new language until you understand your own.
  • Ignore the myths. It does not matter how old are you. It's never too late to start learning a new language.
  • Travel to a country where the language you want to study is spoken. You will be forced to communicate in that language.

Winston Churchill, The battle of France.

Regarding the exercise of modal verbs, here we have a part of the speech that Churchill gave during the battle of France.

"I have, myself, full confidence that if all do their duty, if nothing is neglected, and if the best arrangements are made, as they are being made, we shall prove ourselves once again able to defend our Island home, to ride out the storm of war, and to outlive the menace of tyranny, if necessary for years, if necessary alone. At any rate, that is what we are going to try to do. That is the resolve of His Majesty’s Government-every man of them. That is the will of Parliament and the nation. The British Empire and the French Republic, linked together in their cause and in their need, will defend to the death their native soil, aiding each other like good comrades to the utmost of their strength. Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old."

The modal verbs that appear are the following:

may: used to say that something is possible. "may fall into the grip of the Gestapo"

might: in this case 'might' does not function as a modal verb. It means great power or strength.

shall: in this case is used to express an obligation, command or instruction.

would: would is used in the text to express future.

will: this word appears two times, in this example: "that is the will of the parliament", will does not function as a modal verb but as a noun. And in the other example it functions as a modal verb, it expresses future tense.

Moving to the things that I have been doing for the last four weeks to improve my English, I am doing a couple of activities that are helping me a lot. I have bought three poetry books and I read them when I am on the train on my way home and I have been watching a TV show, with English subtitles, named 'Teen Wolf'

Sara Bahadi

sábado, 21 de octubre de 2017

DREAM JOBS (week 5).

When we finish our career, the most important thing is to find a job that we like, related to what we have studied and where we always want to work and learn new things. 
My dream job would be something related to English, like being a translator in a company, being a tourist guide or even dedicating myself to teaching. Conversely, my worst job would be something that I do not really like and not related to what I have studied or a job where you spend many hours and do not have almost free time. 

Times have changed. My grandmother (who is now 82 years old) always tells me that she started working very young, at age 8. She has always dedicated herself to cleaning houses and the salary she had got was very low although she spent many hours working. She preferred to work in order to help her family economically than going to school, this is the reason why my grandmother did not go to school when she was young. My grandfather also started working very young, but he worked in an oil factory, where he hardly was given vacations and the schedule he had was very tiring, he always got home very late and the next day, he started working at 6 a.m. 
The advantages of these kind of works are that in those times, children were more mature and they knew how hard was it to obtain things, nowadays, kids just have to ask for something and they get it, without knowing the effort that their parents made to obtain that. Additionally, the disadvantages is that as they started working so young, they could not go to school and also, at an early age (for example, at age 30), they had already bone or health problems, like the case of my grandmother, who had to retire at the age of 40.

Finally, this week I have read a book called "A Love for Life", which has a C1 level, in order to improve my English. The book is about a woman who has always wanted to adopt a child, she goes through a series of problems and in the end she gets everything she has wanted: her daughter Ellie and a man who is perfect for them. 

Lorena Conesa Martínez. 

domingo, 15 de octubre de 2017

Giving advice (Week 4)

Each one us, someday, has needed or given advice to someone regarding life problems. However, we do not know how to give a piece of advice and how people will react to it, if they are going to take it or not. Therefore, I would like to share with you a text which gives some advice on preparing for exams. And I hope it can help you pass your exams with high marks. Now, I'm going to highlight the top ten study tips which appear in the text:

-Give yourself enough time to study: Many students study the night before the exam, nevertheless this is not the best way to to approach an exam, we have to try to study daily.

-Organize your study space: Studying implies being concentrate and comfortable, thus you have to get rid of all distractions.

-Use flow charts and diagrams: Visual ideas and summarizing your ideas can be very helpful.

-Practice on old exams.

-Explain your answers to others: Explain the topics and the answers that you studied to your parents and little brothers or sisters.

-Organize study groups with friends: Study sessions with your friends may help you to answer your questions and doubts.

-Take regular breaks.

-Snack on brain food: Keep your body and brain well-fuelled by choosing nutritious foods.

-Plan your exam day: Get everything ready well in advance of the exam.

-Drink pelnty of water.

Believe in yourself and go for it.

Moving to the modal verbs, I have found on the Internet this excerpt from “Short stories of famous women”. 

Helen Keller 

"For nineteen months Helen grew bigger and stronger. She was able to walk when she was a year old; she could say a few words.

But one day the child fell ill. She must have been very ill. For days she was laid up with a high fever and soon the parents learned that their darling would never be able to see and hear.

The little child was now doomed to a life of silence and darkness. She could not hear what was said to her and did not know how to talk, she was unable to play with other children.

When Helen was 6 years old her parents took her to Baltimore and then to Washington to famous doctors to find out if they could do something to make her hear and see again, but the doctors could do nothing. The child was hopelessly deaf. Dr. Bell said the Kellers should addressthe Perkins Institution for the blind in Boston and ask if they could send someone to help the child.

It was a wonderful day for Helen Keller when Ann Sullivan arrived in March 1887 to take charge of the child who could neither hear nor speak. Helen was nearly seven, Ann Sullivan was past twenty."

The analysis of this modal verbs is as follows:

-Be + able to + verb infinitive: It expresses ability, someone was successful in doing something in one occasion.

-Could + verb infinitive: In this context expresses an ability in the past.

-Must have + past participle: In this context it expresses probability, to show we are sure something to be true and we have reasons for our belief.

-Should + verb infinitive: It expresses what is the ideal or best thing to do in a situation.

Finally, in terms of the activities that I have done in the last 4 weeks to improve my English, I started reading an interesting book written in English, thus, I have learned some new English words. Besides this, I read news from British and American newspapers, for instance, The Times. Apart from that, I watched some films and English shows, and I also did some grammar exercises.

By Nassira Dahmani

viernes, 13 de octubre de 2017

If I were you... (week 4).

I have found this text on the Internet, which gives some advice about how to understand texts when you read them. 
I reckon that it is a very interesting text due to the fact that in many points I feel identified with it. 

I am going to mention the expressions that appear related to advice: 

  • Know your reading purpose (according to the importance of the excerpt that you are reading, you read it differently). 
  • Choose the appropriate reading speed.
  • Get background information (it will be easier to understand the text if you find previous information about it. This is an important aspect when translating some texts).
  • Use all the information in the book. 
  • Increase your vocabulary (when you are learning a new language, the most important thing is to acquire an enriched vocabulary).
  • Use your dictionary sensibly.
  • Learn the important words that organise text (you have to understand the transition words that appear in some texts or books in order to know the full meaning).
  • Choose the right place to read (it is very important to stay concentrated when you read something). 
  • Choose the right time to read. 

Now, I am going to quote an excerpt of a book called "Three Men in a Boat" (by Jerome K. Jerome), where several modal verbs appear. 

"[...] I remember going to the British Museum one day to read up the treatment for some slight ailment of which I had a touch. I read all I came to read and then I began to study diseases, generally, turning the leaves idly.

I came to typhoid fever, read the symptoms and discovered I must have had it for months without knowing it. Cholera I had with severe complications and diphtheria I must have been born with. I was relieved to find that Bright’s disease I had only in a modified form and, so far as that was concerned, I might live for years. The only disease I could conclude I had not got was housemaid’s knee.

I sat and pondered. I thought what an interesting case I must be from a medical point of view. I was hospital in myself. All students need do would be to walk round me and after that take their diploma.

I tried to feel my heart. I could not feel my heart. I think now that it must have been there all the time, and must have been beating, but cannot account for it [...]."

The analysis of these modal verbs is:

  • Must have + past participle → It expresses a conclusion about a past situation, and is based on previous details. 
  • Might + verb → It expresses uncertain opinion, something based on very little information. 
  • Could + verb → It expresses possibility. 
  • Must + verb → It is used to say what you think is necessary.
  • Need + verb → It is used to say what is necessary.
  • Can + verb → It expresses prohibition. 

Finally, in the last 4 weeks I have done some activities to improve my English. One day, I was going to the University and a girl from Leeds asked me for help. She was lost and I was the only person who can help her, because the others could not speak English. She wanted to know where the bus station was, so I indicated her where she had to go. 
Also, every afternoon I watch a chapter of a series called "Gossip Girl" in English and with subtitles also in English and I have to watch a film in the original score because we must do a school job, and I would like to watch Billy Elliot. 

Lorena Conesa Martínez. 

jueves, 12 de octubre de 2017

In the public eye

As far as I am concerned, I would not like to be in the public eye. However, in my opinion, it depends on the situation, the motive that led you to the public eye. In other words; why are you famous? If you became known because you did something bad or embarrassing or because you did an amazing job like writing a novel, singing, succeeding, etc. Nonetheless, even when a person is in the public eye because he or she is a prestigious artist, they can get irritated if they are constantly observed and judged because of your actions.

You can hardly go out without being photographed. Would you like that? Imagine you are famous and you go out for dinner with your family and after a while, there are a lot of people staring at you and taking pictures through the window of the restaurant.

Personally, I rather be out of the public eye, it is an amazing way to keep my privacy protected. Furthermore, I can have a normal life with no people stressing me out when I make a mistake. Besides that, I have no extraordinary skills to share with the world.

These images prove that I can be on public places with nobody disturbing me

Sara Bahadi

domingo, 8 de octubre de 2017

People and Places

      Let me introduce to you the group of my best friends. We have known each other since we were little kids. The girl with the pink t-shirt is my friend Wisal, she works as a physical education assistant with kids. She loves her job and is very keen on everything that have to do with nature. The boy with the grey t-shirt next to her is Abdel, and he is the most funny and sarcastic person I have ever met. He is studying industrial engineering at university. He loves riddles and mind tricking games. The boy next to me is probably my best friend. His name is Brahim and he is a hairdresser. He loves fashion and taking care of his image. He is the kind of friend you can rely on no matter what happens. The boy next him is the Einstein of the group. His name is Anas and he studies Mathematics at university. He is a genius, and can solve the Rubik cube in 6 seconds. The girl next to him is Saida, she studies Optometry at university. She is obsessed with fitness and sport. She always drags us to the mountain to do activities. As you can tell, we are all very different, but we make an amazing group. Every week we do different activities, sometimes we go to the mountain, others to the beach, and some other weeks I convince them to go to the movies or just watch a play. We genuinely care of each other and love spending time together despite our differences.

      On the other hand, I met amazing people last year, during my first year of university. The girl with the red scarf is Sara. She is very sweet and has a great heart. She is also very hardworking and a great student. The boy with the grey t-shirt is Pedro. He is incredibly smart and very keen on manga comics. He is also very funny and an amazing person to spend time with. The girl lying in the ground is Maria. She is the cutest person I have ever met. We instantly became friend after sharing our books obsessions. The boy in the yellow t-shirt is Juanma, and he is Marias boyfriend. I dont know much about him, but I definitely have great time every time we hang out. We have in common some things, such as our love for cameras and often argue about which one is the best one.

      Me and my friend are always planning trips, but unfortunetly we dont have enough money. If we ever had a great amount of money, we will probably plan a long trip across the world. We are all attracted to exotic countries, such as Turkey, India, South Kore, Australia, and South Africa. We had travelled together before, but just in Spanish territory. We had great time, thus, we are always planning major trips. We would love to discover new cultures and lifestyles. It would be amazing to have such an adventure.

Hajar Koudad Kasmi

jueves, 5 de octubre de 2017

In the public eye (week 3).

The definition of being in the public eye is that a person is famous and he or she appears in magazines, TV... In short, people talk about them and these people are recognised all over the world. 
At times, I wish I were famous due to the fact that many celebrities, whatever their vocation is, have fans who admire them a lot and I wish I could cause that admiration in people. But that is not all, celebrities often do charitable acts so as to help people in need. They raise money to donate it. As they are famous, they raise more money than ordinary people, this is another reason why I would like to be famous and help other people.  

Here, we have got an example. He is David Beckham (a football player), collaborating with Unicef.

Finally and the most selfish part, I would like to be famous for traveling to other countries. Celebrities can travel whenever they want and also, they can go where they want. I love traveling and I wish I could do it when I want, without having to prepare anything. 

Although as it is my life right now is fine. I do not have to avoid the paparazzi and I can do whatever I want without blogs or television programmes that criticize my mistakes. 

Lorena Conesa Martínez. 

domingo, 1 de octubre de 2017

Improving your writing skills

Writing is an essential tool for communication, I would say it is one of the most relevant. Its main asset is that it allows us to express ideas, feelings or opinions in an organized way. It requires careful planning from the writer to create a text that is both comprehensible and coherent.

From my viewpoint, there is many things you can do to improve your writing skills. First and foremost, I think it is essential to pay attention to the way native speakers talk, the expressions they use in certain contexts and the phrases they avoid. In order to do that, I read books and newspapers in English. I also like to watch some American TV shows as well as movies. Music is another great way to learn new vocabulary and become familiar with the English language.

Secondly, there is many tools to enhance our writing skills. For example, for the time being I am using Cambridge Dictionary,, Collins Dictionary and These are just a few helpful sites, there are thousands of possibilities in the internet, as well as grammar books and paper dictionaries.

To conclude, I'd like to say that there is a wide array of tools to improve your writing in the internet, but the most important thing is the will to write and the capability of learning from your mistakes.

Pedro Díaz

People and places

My girls.

These pretty girls are my friends. We met to catch up and have a good time together. I met Carla, the girl wearing a white shirt and brown shorts, and Tatiana, the girl who is sitting right next to me, at the age of 3 and we are friends till now. Carla is studying biochemistry at university. She is an amazing positive girl. Tatiana is studying a Superior Grade Formative Course and she is doing well. She is so funny and humble. The girl wearing red trousers is Kaoutar, she is Moroccan, like me. She is an amazing artist; she likes drawing and she is good at it. And finally, Isa, the sweetest girl I have ever met. We met each other at the high school and I wish I have met her before. She is comprehensive and she is always helping me.

These pretty girls are part of me, I count on them and they can count on me. I hope our friendship lasts forever.

My life's biggest ambition is to travel. Japan, Canada, and South Africa would be the main places I would like to visit If I had the opportunity. The main reason for this choice is that these countries are quite different from what I am accustomed to seeing. For instance, in Japan, I would be interested in the beautiful landscapes and temples and the gastronomy, and most importantly, the people's politeness. South Africa is also a fascinating country best known for its beaches and the wildlife and a place where you can practice a huge variety of outdoor activities. And finally, in Canada, there is a huge diversity of cultures and there are also stunning natural wonders.

If I had enough money I would like to spend it on traveling.   Besides, I would take advantage of it and provide needed people with some of my money. In addition, In spite of the fact that I am not so amazing on taking photos, I would like to buy a good professional camera since I am keen on photography and I like the idea of saving memories. Furthermore, I would also invest in my education and future, I would buy lots of books and pay for educative courses. 

Sara Bahadi