martes, 24 de octubre de 2017

Dream jobs (Week 5)

By way of introduction, since we were kids we thought about what our future job will be, most of us wanted to be doctors, astronauts, teachers, police officers...However, many of us have changed their preferences due to the fact that we realized that those jobs are difficult or we found better jobs which can help us to develop our abilities and skills. Therefore, the best job is one in which we can feel comfortable, in which we learn something new everyday and the most important, a job that we like and is related to what we studied.

Personally, my dream job would be one related to languages since my degree is based on it. I would like to work as a translator in an international company or as an interpreter in an embassy or maybe at the United Nations. Working as a journalist would also be my dream job, therefore, I do not mind working as an editor for a review or a journal. In terms of my worst job would be a job whcih has nothing to do with my degree or one which I do not enjoy a lot.  The worst job is that one where I feel stressed, a job where I have to work long hours and earn a miserable salary.Thus, my worst job would be something like a babysitter or a cashier in a supermarket, for example.

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Years ago, my grandparents were working in very difficult conditions just o make a living and feed their children. My grandfather is still remembering the jobs he worked in, always when I talk to him, he ends up telling me his adventures and anecdotes when Morocco was still a French protectorate. He worked in different types of jobs, as a shepherd rearing animals, as a farmer working all day in someone´s field. He used to wake up early and come back very late, he was always arriving exhausted since this was his routine. In spite of all this pain, my grandfather have raised his children with my grandmother´s help until they grew up. The only advantage I see in working in this type of jobs is that my grandfather at least had a job, even though the conditions were very bad. The disadvantages of these jobs are many, as I said below, the conditions were horrible, many workers were treated unfairly, they had to work a lot of hours just to earn a measly salary.

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Finally, this week I have done some activities in order to improve my writing skills. I also finished reading an English book. Besides this, I started watching a film about working class life in Britain.

By Nassira Dahmani

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