sábado, 21 de octubre de 2017

DREAM JOBS (week 5).

When we finish our career, the most important thing is to find a job that we like, related to what we have studied and where we always want to work and learn new things. 
My dream job would be something related to English, like being a translator in a company, being a tourist guide or even dedicating myself to teaching. Conversely, my worst job would be something that I do not really like and not related to what I have studied or a job where you spend many hours and do not have almost free time. 

Times have changed. My grandmother (who is now 82 years old) always tells me that she started working very young, at age 8. She has always dedicated herself to cleaning houses and the salary she had got was very low although she spent many hours working. She preferred to work in order to help her family economically than going to school, this is the reason why my grandmother did not go to school when she was young. My grandfather also started working very young, but he worked in an oil factory, where he hardly was given vacations and the schedule he had was very tiring, he always got home very late and the next day, he started working at 6 a.m. 
The advantages of these kind of works are that in those times, children were more mature and they knew how hard was it to obtain things, nowadays, kids just have to ask for something and they get it, without knowing the effort that their parents made to obtain that. Additionally, the disadvantages is that as they started working so young, they could not go to school and also, at an early age (for example, at age 30), they had already bone or health problems, like the case of my grandmother, who had to retire at the age of 40.

Finally, this week I have read a book called "A Love for Life", which has a C1 level, in order to improve my English. The book is about a woman who has always wanted to adopt a child, she goes through a series of problems and in the end she gets everything she has wanted: her daughter Ellie and a man who is perfect for them. 

Lorena Conesa Martínez. 

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