jueves, 12 de octubre de 2017

In the public eye

As far as I am concerned, I would not like to be in the public eye. However, in my opinion, it depends on the situation, the motive that led you to the public eye. In other words; why are you famous? If you became known because you did something bad or embarrassing or because you did an amazing job like writing a novel, singing, succeeding, etc. Nonetheless, even when a person is in the public eye because he or she is a prestigious artist, they can get irritated if they are constantly observed and judged because of your actions.

You can hardly go out without being photographed. Would you like that? Imagine you are famous and you go out for dinner with your family and after a while, there are a lot of people staring at you and taking pictures through the window of the restaurant.

Personally, I rather be out of the public eye, it is an amazing way to keep my privacy protected. Furthermore, I can have a normal life with no people stressing me out when I make a mistake. Besides that, I have no extraordinary skills to share with the world.

These images prove that I can be on public places with nobody disturbing me

Sara Bahadi

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