lunes, 30 de octubre de 2017


                                                                                                                             23 October 2017

Hi Caroline.

How are you doing? I hope you're fine. Many thanks for the last postcard you've sent me, I really liked it. I'm so sorry I haven't texted you back, I've been too busy with the move. Haven't I told you before?, well, I'am moving to Valencia. I hope you come to visit me one day.

Oh, another thing, remember when you told me that you wanted to improve your English? well, I'll tell you about a couple of things I'm carrying out to become a fluent English speaker. A couple of weeks I bought three poetry books written by a novel, Rupi Kaur. She is really good. You should buy her books or if you can't spend money I can lend them to you so you can read them. As I was saying, I bought the books and each day I read a couple of poems and try to understand them. It's an enjoyable way of learning English, believe me! I'm also watching a TV show with English subtitles. The show is deals with social injustice in a high school. Another activity that I've started recently is listening to a song and try to write the lyrics.To be honest, I'm a real mess at this activity but I try my best. 

Anyway, I must go, I have a lot to do today. Don't forget texting me back. By the way, I will love you eternally if you could share with me the activities you do to improve your English.

Lots of love, look after your self.


As you might know, writing a letter has always been important. Thus, it is essential to have in mind the main steps you need to take when you write a letter since it could be crucial at the time of requesting a job or addressing someone important in order to apologize or thank him/her. Thus, I will share with you a couple of pages in order to help you writing letters.

Something I have done last weekend is talking in English with a friend. We are both Arab girls but we have different dialects, I am Moroccan and she is Syrian so it is hard for me to understand her so when we talk we do it in English.

Sara Bahadi

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