viernes, 27 de octubre de 2017

Connections (Week 6)

                                                                                                         303 Corporation Street
                                                                                                         Manchester, UK
                                                                                                          October 25, 2017

Dear Jane,
I hope you´re doing very well, I miss you so much. It has been two weeks since I wrote you, I was a bit busy, you know, exams are near and we have many projects to do. As I´ve to improve my English skills, I´m trying to do some activities everyday. By the way, how is your journey going? As you´re in China you can take the opportunity and practice your speaking. I will tell you some recommendations if you want to follow in order to improve your Chinese. What I´m doing to improve my English is working and practising everyday. Therefore, when I´m not in class, I do some grammar exercises to improve my writing skills. I read some poems and stories in English and I try to look for new Englsih words that I didn´t know before. Moreover, I listen to some Englsih podcasts and songs since I want to practice my listening and pronunciation. Apart from that, I also watch films with English subtitles and I wrote down the words which I don´t understand. As you have the opportunity to talk with native Chinese speakers, try to improve your speaking. That´s all Jane, I hope you´re enjoying and having fun in China, you´re lucky enough to be there. Anyway, if you have any problem with anything, just tell me, I´m here to help you. I´ve to go now, don´t forget to write me back as soon as you can to tell me your adventures.
Take care of yourself. With love,
Nassira Dahmani

Years ago, sending a letter was one of the only ways of communicating with others over a long distance. However, nowadays are barely used, technology and the Internet have replaced them. Writing a letter is not as easy as it sounds, it has many steps which we need to take into account if we want our message to be understood with clarity. We also have to be careful with the language that we are goimg to use, if it is formal or informal. Therefore, I would like to share with you some links which show us how to write letters properly.

Last week I watched a documentary about working class society, and I also watched The Ellen Show. Besides this, I helped my brother to write an essay for his English class.

By Nassira Dahmani

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