domingo, 8 de octubre de 2017

People and Places

      Let me introduce to you the group of my best friends. We have known each other since we were little kids. The girl with the pink t-shirt is my friend Wisal, she works as a physical education assistant with kids. She loves her job and is very keen on everything that have to do with nature. The boy with the grey t-shirt next to her is Abdel, and he is the most funny and sarcastic person I have ever met. He is studying industrial engineering at university. He loves riddles and mind tricking games. The boy next to me is probably my best friend. His name is Brahim and he is a hairdresser. He loves fashion and taking care of his image. He is the kind of friend you can rely on no matter what happens. The boy next him is the Einstein of the group. His name is Anas and he studies Mathematics at university. He is a genius, and can solve the Rubik cube in 6 seconds. The girl next to him is Saida, she studies Optometry at university. She is obsessed with fitness and sport. She always drags us to the mountain to do activities. As you can tell, we are all very different, but we make an amazing group. Every week we do different activities, sometimes we go to the mountain, others to the beach, and some other weeks I convince them to go to the movies or just watch a play. We genuinely care of each other and love spending time together despite our differences.

      On the other hand, I met amazing people last year, during my first year of university. The girl with the red scarf is Sara. She is very sweet and has a great heart. She is also very hardworking and a great student. The boy with the grey t-shirt is Pedro. He is incredibly smart and very keen on manga comics. He is also very funny and an amazing person to spend time with. The girl lying in the ground is Maria. She is the cutest person I have ever met. We instantly became friend after sharing our books obsessions. The boy in the yellow t-shirt is Juanma, and he is Marias boyfriend. I dont know much about him, but I definitely have great time every time we hang out. We have in common some things, such as our love for cameras and often argue about which one is the best one.

      Me and my friend are always planning trips, but unfortunetly we dont have enough money. If we ever had a great amount of money, we will probably plan a long trip across the world. We are all attracted to exotic countries, such as Turkey, India, South Kore, Australia, and South Africa. We had travelled together before, but just in Spanish territory. We had great time, thus, we are always planning major trips. We would love to discover new cultures and lifestyles. It would be amazing to have such an adventure.

Hajar Koudad Kasmi

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