martes, 31 de octubre de 2017

Connections (week 6).

109 Hollywood Avenue
Birmingham, United Kingdom
October 31, 2017

Dear Melissa, 
How are you? I'm doing well. We haven't seen each other for a long time. I reckon that the last time was in that summer camp when we were 12 years old. Things around here have changed a lot since then. My elder sister has already graduated, my father and my mother are still working in the same company and I am studying "English Studies". You already know that I have always liked this language. Do you remember when we spoke in English? Well, thanks to you my vocabulary improved a lot. What about you? How is your family? And what are you studying?

My degree is very interesting. We study grammar, phonetics, literature and last year, we have learned how to write better. However, you already know that in order to improve in a language you also need to do activities outside of class. I talk to native speakers like you, that's why I am writing you this letter. I also usually watch series and films in English with subtitles in English, too. This is a good way to understand everything that characters say. The other day I had to watch Billy Elliot's film in English so as to make a job, and every time I understand more and more words! 
But that's not all, I think music is important. Listening to English music is something that I do every day and it's very useful. If you want to improve your Spanish, I recommend you to listen to Spanish music although it isn't as good as English music... 
It is also important to read in order to improve grammar and have imagination, I have read many novels, the last one I read is called "A Love for Life". I recommend that book!

I do not have much time to keep telling you things, but I think I have your phone number so I'll get through you someday and I'll wait for you to pick up the phone or call me back! 
Just in case, I'll write here my phone number: 694123945
With love, 
Lorena Conesa 

In order to write formal letters, I use this webpage: 
But, if you want to write an informal one, as the letter I have written above, I use this webpage: 
Both of them are very useful. 
This week we were dealing with phrasal verbs associated with phone calls, so I have found this site that explains some of these phrasal verbs:

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